martes, 15 de enero de 2019

Which Gravity Falls Character Are You?

Bill Cipher
You're Bill Cipher. Cunning and resourceful, you're likely to turn the tables on any situation. You may seem snappy and humorous, but deep down, you're incredibly manipulative. No one exactly knows what you're up to, and you wouldn't have it any other way. You've got big plans coming, and you don't need them getting in your way.

2 comentarios:

  1. Dipper Pines

    You're Dipper Pines. Smart and resourceful, you seek out adventure and hope to unravel every mystery you come across. You come off a little paranoid, but that's to be expected. In the span of one summer, you've fought monsters, wax statues, ghosts, gnomes, psychopaths, clones, video game avatars, dinosaurs, demons, robots, zombies, shapeshifters, miniature people, time-travelers, and secret societies.
    Man, you need a break.
