jueves, 30 de enero de 2025

A Toast to the Alchemists by Laura Gilpin

you were right, it is
We have the proof now.
There are equations.

If you could come back
for a day, if you could
conjure yourself into
this chemistry classroom,
if you could read the
textbook or watch the
professor writing the
answers on the board…

you would see that you
were right, even though
you didn’t know about
alpha and beta radiation,
even though you didn’t
understand isotopes,
you knew it was possible,
that some elements can
change into other elements,
that transmutation can

there is proof now that
it is possible, although
each new element, having
a brief half-life, would
keep changing into other

you were right, you can
make anything, anything,
uranium, plutonium, tel-
lurium, mercury, copper,
cobalt, platinum, silver,
and gold, you can make
gold, an isotope so
radioactive it would
sparkle before your eyes.

you were right.
It is magic.

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